Pupil Dilation
Pupil Dilation
The clinical examination will begin by testing your vision at near and at distance. The eye pressure will be tested and pupils will be dilated. The ophthalmic technician will take a medical and ocular history while your pupils are dilating. After your eyes are fully dilated, the doctor will talk with you about your eye problem and other pertinent information. He will then carefully examine your eyes. Special tests may be necessary following the doctor's examination.
Fundus photographs , using a special camera to record the appearance of the retina.
Fluorescein angiogram , during which dye is injected into the arm to locate and photograph blood vessels in the back of the eye.
Ultrasound , which bounces sound waves off the back of the eye and converts them into an image on the screen similar to radar. The test results will be explained and the diagnosis and treatment recommendations, if any, will be discussed with you. Some special treatments can be given right in the office.
Laser treatment or photocoagulation is used to treat retinal breaks or seal abnormal blood vessels. This treatment is often used for patients with diabetes, macular degeneration and retinal tears.
Intravitreal Injections used for treating diseases such as Macular Degeneration or Diabetic retinopathy through the injection of a drug directly in the eye.
Cryotherapy , which freezes a small area on the outside of the eye and is often used to repair a tear in the retina.